8.10 Visualizing logistic regression

  • Using the fitted model, we visualize the relationship between age and the probability of being married, holding the other variables constant.

  • The scale = "response" option creates a plot based on a probability (rather than log-odds) scale.

# plot results
visreg(cps85_glm, "age", 
       gg = TRUE, 
       scale="response") +
  labs(y = "Prob(Married)", 
       x = "Age",
       title = "Relationship of age and marital status",
       subtitle = "controlling for sex, race, and job sector",
       caption = "source: Current Population Survey 1985")

  • Here we see that the probability of being married is estimated to be roughly 0.5 at age 20 and decreases to 0.1 at age 60, controlling for the other variables.