9.16 Heatmap for Time Series

  • Below we make a heatmap to display changes in life expectancies over time for Asian countries using data from the gapminder dataset.

  • Since the data is in long format, we’ll (1) convert to wide format, (2) ensure that it is a data frame, and (3) convert the variable country into row names.

  • Finally, we (1) sort the data by 2007 life expectancy and (2) change the color scheme.

library(tidyr); library(dplyr)
data(gapminder, package="gapminder") # load data

asia <- gapminder %>%
  filter(continent == "Asia") %>% # subset Asian countries
  select(year, country, lifeExp)

plotdata <- spread(asia, year, lifeExp) # convert to long to wide format

plotdata <- as.data.frame(plotdata) #ensure it's a data frame
row.names(plotdata) <- plotdata$country # save country as row names
plotdata$country <- NULL
sort.order <- order(plotdata$"2007") # row order

colors <- rev(brewer.pal(5, "Blues")) # color scheme

          scale = FALSE,
          bottom.label.size = .05,
          heat.pal = colors,
          order.rows = sort.order,
          title = "Life Expectancy in Asia")