Meeting Videos

Cohort 1

Meeting chat log
00:11:17    Lydia Gibson:   Nice!
00:11:40    Oluwafemi Oyedele:  Reacted to "Nice!" with 👌
00:15:11    Lydia Gibson:   Cool. So the lowercase abbreviates whether its the month or day
00:18:19    Ken Vu: Its good
00:18:20    Ken Vu: :)
00:26:24    Lydia Gibson:   That’s beautiful 😍
00:26:25    Ken Vu: That's pretty neat.  Looks very professional
00:31:06    Lydia Gibson:   Nice!
00:31:43    Ken Vu: Colorful 🙂 Kind of lick a trendline version of stacked bar plots
00:31:46    Ken Vu: *like
00:37:36    Ken Vu: 👏
00:37:47    Ken Vu: Thank you, Kotomi!  You gave an awesome presentation