7.15 Slope Graphs
Let’s plot life expectancy for six Central American countries in 1992, 1997, 2002, and 2007.
# load library
# Select Central American countries data
# for 1992, 1997, 2002, and 2007
df <- gapminder %>%
filter(year %in% c(1992, 1997, 2002, 2007) &
country %in% c("Panama", "Costa Rica",
"Nicaragua", "Honduras",
"El Salvador", "Guatemala",
"Belize")) %>%
mutate(year = factor(year),
lifeExp = round(lifeExp))
# create slope graph
newggslopegraph(df, year, lifeExp, country) +
labs(title = "Life Expectancy by Country",
subtitle = "Central America",
caption = "source: gapminder")
## Converting 'year' to an ordered factor