00:31:01 Oluwafemi Oyedele: Same here!!!
00:50:46 Ken Vu: ggpairs is a lot more useful than the standard pairs function. I like how much more info ggpairs gives about the distributions of each o the variables and a variable's correlation value
00:52:37 Tiffany Kollah (She/Her): Reacted to "ggpairs is a lot mor..." with ❤️
00:58:01 Lydia Gibson: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/wordcloud2/vignettes/wordcloud.html
00:58:11 Ken Vu: Reacted to "https://cran.r-proje..." with 👍
00:59:46 Lydia Gibson: https://r-graph-gallery.com/323-sankey-diagram-with-the-networkd3-library.html