8.2 Saratoga Houses Dataset

  • Let’s look at the Saratoga Houses dataset, which contains the sale price and characteristics of Saratoga County, NY homes in 2006 in order to explore the relationships among the quantitative variables,
data(SaratogaHouses, package="mosaicData")

# select numeric variables
df <- dplyr::select_if(SaratogaHouses, is.numeric)

# calulate the correlations
r <- cor(df, use="complete.obs")
##            price lotSize   age landValue livingArea pctCollege bedrooms
## price       1.00    0.16 -0.19      0.58       0.71       0.20     0.40
## lotSize     0.16    1.00 -0.02      0.06       0.16      -0.03     0.11
## age        -0.19   -0.02  1.00     -0.02      -0.17      -0.04     0.03
## landValue   0.58    0.06 -0.02      1.00       0.42       0.23     0.20
## livingArea  0.71    0.16 -0.17      0.42       1.00       0.21     0.66
## pctCollege  0.20   -0.03 -0.04      0.23       0.21       1.00     0.16
## bedrooms    0.40    0.11  0.03      0.20       0.66       0.16     1.00
## fireplaces  0.38    0.09 -0.17      0.21       0.47       0.25     0.28
## bathrooms   0.60    0.08 -0.36      0.30       0.72       0.18     0.46
## rooms       0.53    0.14 -0.08      0.30       0.73       0.16     0.67
##            fireplaces bathrooms rooms
## price            0.38      0.60  0.53
## lotSize          0.09      0.08  0.14
## age             -0.17     -0.36 -0.08
## landValue        0.21      0.30  0.30
## livingArea       0.47      0.72  0.73
## pctCollege       0.25      0.18  0.16
## bedrooms         0.28      0.46  0.67
## fireplaces       1.00      0.44  0.32
## bathrooms        0.44      1.00  0.52
## rooms            0.32      0.52  1.00