1.1 Thinking like a Bayesian 1/4
DiagrammeR digraph thinking_bayesian{
# node statement
node [shape = oval]
a [label = 'Prior'];
b [label = 'Data'];
c [label = 'Posterior'];
d [label = 'New data'];
e [label = 'Posterior'];
f [label = 'New data']
g [style = invisible ]
# edge statement
a -> c b -> c
c -> e d -> e
f-> g [style = dashed] e-> g [style = dashed]
In Bayesian analysis, the prior represents what you know before seeing the data. The posterior then represents what you know having seen the data.
Both Bayesian and frequentist share a common goal: learn from data about the world around. Both use data to fit nodels, make predictions and evaluate hypothesis