1.9 Resources mentioned
This is a list of resources mentioned in the first meeting!
1.9.1 Other Bayesian books:
Richard McElreath
* book: https://xcelab.net/rm/statistical-rethinking/
* vidéo: https://github.com/rmcelreath/stat_rethinking_2022The “puppy” book by John K. Kruschke : https://sites.google.com/site/doingbayesiandataanalysis/
Introduction to Bayesian Thinking, Clyde, Centinkaya-Rundel et al similar level to our book
Bayesian Data Analysis, Andrew Gelman more precise (and mathematical)
Intro to Bayes Theorem, Wrath of Math, video Clear explanation of the meaning of
in statements like probability of A given B. $ P(A | B) $
1.9.2 Drawing DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph)
- Pen and paper
- DiagrammeR: for drawing diagram, uses Graphviz or mermaid
- Dagitty: for causal diagrams
1.9.3 Podcast
- Learning Bayesian Statistics ep. 42 With Mine Dogucu