14.9 Meeting Videos

14.9.1 Cohort 1

Meeting chat log
00:44:10    defuneste:  plant@net
00:44:28    Lisa:   https://identify.plantnet.org/
00:48:49    Brendan Lam:    Thanks everyone!

14.9.2 Cohort 2

14.9.3 Cohort 4

Meeting chat log
00:01:49    Federica Gazzelloni:    Hello
00:02:03    Derek Sollberger (he/him):  good morning
00:02:19    Derek Sollberger (he/him):  https://dsollbergerquarto.netlify.app/posts/bayesrules/14_naive_bayes_classification
00:02:48    Federica Gazzelloni:    Most probably is that the package needs to be checked in the DESCRIPTION file
00:03:16    Federica Gazzelloni:    Thanks for sharing!
00:03:45    Derek Sollberger (he/him):  rstan is not compatible with the new 4.3.0 (as said in the rstan GitHub page).  I don't know how to use the compatible version of rstan with the "build book" process
00:04:09    Federica Gazzelloni:    Reacted to "rstan is not compati..." with 🧐
00:04:39    Derek Sollberger (he/him):  start
00:56:08    Derek Sollberger (he/him):  end