11.8 Meeting Videos

11.8.1 Cohort 1

Meeting chat log
00:05:50    olivier:    need to relaod!
00:06:02    olivier:    but yes quarto seems a bit difficukt
00:08:30    Brendan Lam:    HI there!
00:08:33    Brendan Lam:    I can't talk right now
00:08:39    Brendan Lam:    But I'll be here
00:09:01    Federica Gazzelloni:    Hello!
00:10:12    Brendan Lam:    i think we call them internet cafes
00:10:31    olivier:    iinternet taxi
00:12:56    Federica Gazzelloni:    hope you find it useful
00:26:10    Brendan Lam:    I believe u can do hypothesis testing in Bayesian settings, but the notion of Type I and II error rates aren't the same?
00:26:27    olivier:    called bayes factor no ? unsure 
00:26:50    Brendan Lam:    Yes^
00:30:30    olivier:    temp3pm ~ .  = temp3pm = hundity * wind *  pressure
00:30:58    olivier:    or temp3pm = humidity + wind etc
00:43:36    Brendan Lam:    How many book clubs r you in Federica??
00:44:10    Federica Gazzelloni:    http://www.feat.engineering/
00:44:12    olivier:    R-inla 
00:45:12    olivier:    do4ds
00:46:06    olivier:    https://do4ds.com/
00:47:14    Brendan Lam:    Me too
00:51:44    Brendan Lam:    Might be my last one!
00:51:53    Brendan Lam:    I have meetings at this time when school starts
00:51:58    Brendan Lam:    but will try my best!
00:52:05    Brendan Lam:    I might!!
00:52:37    Brendan Lam:    Thanks everyone!
00:52:47    Erik Aa:    thanks everyone

11.8.2 Cohort 2

11.8.3 Cohort 4