4.1 Introductory Example

  • First, let’s remember:

  • Three friends (feminist, clueless, optimist) discuss the proportion (\(\pi\)) of recent movies that pass the Bechdel test (representation of women in film).

  • Which Beta prior corresponds to each of the friends?

  • The three friends agree to review a sample of n recet movies and record Y, the number of movies that pass the Bechdel test.
  • Y is the number of ‘successes’ in a fixed number of independent trials.

\[Y \sim {Bin}(n,\,\pi)\] \[\pi \sim {Beta}(\alpha,\,\beta)\]

  • Each analyst has their own unique posterior model of \(\pi\).

\[\pi|(Y = y) \sim {Beta}(\alpha + y,\,\beta + n -y)\]