19.6 Airbnb median model
tidy(airbnb_model_2, effects="fixed")
term estimate std.error
<chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 (Intercept) 1.92 0.305
2 walk_score 0.0166 0.00342
3 bedrooms 0.265 0.0139
4 rating 0.221 0.0282
5 room_typePrivate room -0.538 0.0224
6 room_typeShared room -1.06 0.0583
This leads to a median model:
\[ median(log(\text{price})) = (1.9 + 0.017 \text{ walk_score}) + 0.27 \text{ bedrooms} + \\ 0.22\text{ rating} - 0.54 \text{ private_room} - 1.1 \text{ shared_room} \]
- For example, the median log price increases by about 17% for every 10 points increase in walkability.
tidy(airbnb_model_2, effects = "ran_pars")
term group estimate
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 sd_(Intercept).neighborhood neighborhood 0.202
2 sd_Observation.Residual Residual 0.366
These are estimates of the group level variation and within group variation
Book notes that the ‘unexplained’ neighborhood to neighborhood variation is less now that we have included the group-level predictor (makes sense!)