Ridge Regression

  • Ridge regression is very similar to least squares, except that the coefcients are estimated by minimizing a slightly diferent quantity

  • \(\hat{\beta}^{OLS} \equiv \underset{\hat{\beta}}{argmin}(RSS)\)

  • \(\hat{\beta}^R \equiv \underset{\hat{\beta}}{argmin}(RSS+\lambda\sum_{k=1}^p{\beta_k^2})\)

  • \(\lambda\) tuning parameter (hyperparameter) for the shrinkage penalty

  • there’s one model parameter \(\lambda\) doesn’t shrink

    • (\(\hat{\beta_0}\))

Ridge Regression, Visually

\[\|\beta\|_2 = \sqrt{\sum_{j=1}^p{\beta_j^2}}\]

Note the decrease in test MSE, and further that this is not computationally expensive: “One can show that computations required to solve (6.5), simultaneously for all values of \(\lambda\), are almost identical to those for fitting a model using least squares.”


Note that \(\beta_j^R\) aren’t scale invariant, so: \[\tilde{x}_{ij} = \frac{x_{ij}}{\sqrt{\frac{1}{n}\sum_i^n{(x_{ij} - \bar{x}_j)^2}}}\]

  • It is best to apply ridge regression after standardizing the predictors, using the formula above