11.4 Lab: Brain Cancer survival analysis

Rather then do the lab at the end, let’s try a different approach and thread the Brain Cancer lab through the chapter discussion.

  • Hopefully this helps illustrate the main points of the text with examples worked out in R.

  • BrainCancer data set:

## [1] 88  8
##      sex  diagnosis            loc ki   gtv stereo status  time
## 1 Female Meningioma Infratentorial 90  6.11    SRS      0 57.64
## 2   Male  HG glioma Supratentorial 90 19.35    SRT      1  8.98
## 3 Female Meningioma Infratentorial 70  7.95    SRS      0 26.46
## 4 Female  LG glioma Supratentorial 80  7.61    SRT      1 47.80
## 5   Male  HG glioma Supratentorial 90  5.06    SRT      1  6.30
## 6 Female Meningioma Supratentorial 80  4.82    SRS      0 52.75
BrainCancer %>% 
##   status  n
## 1      0 53
## 2      1 35
  • Note: status = 1 indicates uncensored, which is the convention for R.

  • For BrainCancer data set \(35\) patients died before the end of the study (uncensored)