1.12 Meeting Videos

1.12.1 Cohort 1

Meeting chat log
00:07:44    Fran Barton:    Hi!!!
00:08:00    Mei Ling Soh:   Hello!
00:08:17    BEN:    Hello!
00:08:53    Kim Martin: Hello :)
00:09:15    Stijn Van de Vondel:    Hiya!
00:09:31    Ryan S: 18 participants before kick off time!  Jon, hope you're expecting a large crowd.  :-)
00:11:18    Fran Barton:    Gesundheit
00:11:49    Jyoti Bhogal:   That's Starry Nights in the background @Jon :)
00:11:59    Kim Martin: I'm going to turn off my camera and mic for a little bit so no one is subjected to seeing me eat peanut butter from the 'emergency snack jar' 😵
00:12:08    Fran Barton:    :-D
00:12:31    Fran Barton:    I'm in a shared office with background noise so will stay on mute most of the time
00:12:43    Stijn Van de Vondel:    Gotta say, that's one hell of a silent vacuum
00:13:05    Stijn Van de Vondel:    If it's not the mic, you may be sitting on a vacuum goldmine
00:13:21    Kim Martin: 😂
00:16:42    Kim Martin: Shall we do tag-team presentations to spread the responsibility/opportunity around?
00:16:51    Kim Martin: (swopping presenter mid-session/chapter)
00:17:18    Raymond Balise: chapter 2 is a lot
00:20:02    Ryan S: love that idea -- discussion one week, exercises second week
00:20:15    Mei Ling Soh:   I second that
00:20:27    Kim Martin: +1
00:20:40    Raymond Balise: thoughts on Tidymodels vs Base?
00:22:25    Kim Martin: Nothing against Tidyverse (recent convert), but it makes sense to me to start with base
00:22:36    Jyoti Bhogal:   The link for today's meeting, I got through a friend. What do I need to do to subscribe for receiving the links for meetings?
00:22:41    Kim Martin: (the argument is overblown, imo)
00:23:16    Jyoti Bhogal:   thank you
00:23:17    Raymond Balise: 👍🏼
00:23:17    Kim Martin: https://github.com/r4ds/bookclub-islr
00:23:23    David Severski: To be clear, we’re talking tidymodels vs base, not tidyverse v base.
00:23:31    Jon Harmon (jonthegeek):    r4ds.io/islr
00:28:03    Fran Barton (he/him):   do we know why they are called "supervised" and "unsupervised"? interesting terminology and I think it would help me to understad better if I could grasp what they have to do with whether you're looking for outputs or not
00:28:35    August: supervised has a target/output to be predicted.
00:29:02    Fran Barton (he/him):   "letting the machine go play" is great - that helps thx
00:29:15    Kim Martin: All models that involve 'training' are supervised, I'm guessing?
00:30:24    Kim Martin: If the process of the unsupervised model 'deciding' on how to group things into clusters is computationally expensive, then you'd train it first...
00:30:52    Kim Martin: … then after it has 'decided', it'll be quick in the future to slot new observations into those clusters
00:30:58    Kim Martin: (guessing)
00:31:44    BEN:    tidymodels nomenclature is always exciting :3
00:32:05    Arnab Dey (he/him): epsilon?
00:32:12    Kim Martin: 'Exciting'? (novice - curious)
00:32:35    BEN:    both
00:32:36    Keuntae Kim:    that stands for "element of"
00:32:50    SriRam: In set theory, it is called “belongs to”
00:32:51    Arnab Dey (he/him): ah!
00:32:52    Kaustav Sen:    belongs to? https://www.mathdoubts.com/belongs-to/#:~:text=In%20the%20set%20theory%2C%20the,element%20belongs%20to%20the%20set.&text=It%20helps%20us%20to%20express,its%20set%20in%20mathematical%20form.
00:32:53    August: Isn't E also euler?
00:32:57    Keuntae Kim:    correct. already in the slide... hahah
00:33:08    Raymond Balise: add the link to that book later plz
00:33:14    Fran Barton (he/him):   wikipedia: "The lunate epsilon, ϵ, is not to be confused with the set membership symbol ∈"
00:33:33    Kim Martin: Math notation as bird spotting hobby alternative...
00:33:42    August: sorry you're right euler is more like e
00:34:05    Ryan Metcalf:   Latex: \in
00:34:18    Jon Harmon (jonthegeek):    r4ds.io/islr
00:34:21    Jon Harmon (jonthegeek):    statlearning.com
00:34:23    Raymond Balise: the notation book reference plz
00:34:29    Kim Martin: https://www.amazon.com/Mathematical-Notation-Guide-Engineers-Scientists/dp/1466230525
00:34:37    Raymond Balise: thx kim
00:34:41    Mei Ling Soh:   https://www.rapidtables.com/math/symbols/Basic_Math_Symbols.html
00:35:11    Fran Barton (he/him):   ^ useful! thx
00:38:08    Fran Barton (he/him):   I think `install.github("ISLR2")` is maybe missing the repo owner name "CRAN/ISLR2" ??
00:38:37    Ryan S: let's say it's been many years since my last "traditional / undergrad" stats class.  Will I survive ISLR or should I brush up a bit?
00:39:06    Fran Barton (he/him):   ah of course - let's fix on github ;-)
00:39:56    SriRam: This is also my stepping stone into this world
00:40:25    Ryan S: good to know.  Otherwise, I have the hours of 2:00 AM to 3:00 AM on Saturdays I can use to review Stats 101.
00:40:30    Ryan S: 😆
00:43:16    Ryan S: thx!
00:43:19    Wayne Defreitas:    thx
00:43:19    Stijn Van de Vondel:    Thanks for hosting, can't wait for the next parts!
00:43:20    A. S. Ghatpande:    thanks
00:43:23    Jiwan Heo:  thank you!

1.12.2 Cohort 2

Meeting chat log
00:32:05    Ricardo Serrano:    https://github.com/r4ds/bookclub-islr
00:32:07    Michael Haugen: https://github.com/r4ds/bookclub-islr
00:50:59    Federica Gazzelloni:    https://emilhvitfeldt.github.io/ISLR-tidymodels-labs/index.html
00:51:11    Federica Gazzelloni:    https://www.dataschool.io/15-hours-of-expert-machine-learning-videos/

1.12.3 Cohort 3

Meeting chat log
00:08:45    Fariborz Soroush:   Lighting in my room is terrible. I cut my video :D
00:10:23    Mei Ling Soh:   That’s fine!
00:15:24    Fariborz Soroush:   Go CHoPpers I guess?:lol:
00:15:36    Rose Hartman (she/her): Woot 🙂
00:19:30    Amber:  My wifi is a bit rocky so I don’t want to put on my audio, but hi everyone! I’m Amber, I’m a student at CUNY Grad Center in NY where I’m studying Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences, and have struggled with r during the entire time of my studies 😂 so I’m really looking forward to this book club to finally get comfortable with r
00:19:59    Rose Hartman (she/her): Hi Amber! 🙂
00:20:36    Rose Franzen (she/her): Hi Amber!
00:20:38    Nilay Yönet:    👋☺️
00:20:40    Fariborz Soroush:   Hi Amber :)
00:21:46    Mounika [Monika]:   Hi Amber :)
00:25:15    Mounika [Monika]:   Mei, could you please post also the link to the R4DS GitHub resource?
00:25:24    Rose Franzen (she/her): https://r4ds.github.io/bookclub-islr/book-club-meetings.html
00:25:34    Mounika [Monika]:   Thank you !
00:36:28    Rose Hartman (she/her): Did you get the capitals? install.packages(“ISLR2”)?
00:36:31    Rose Hartman (she/her): It worked fine for me
00:36:38    Rahul:  I don’t know much R but looking online https://cran.rstudio.com/web/packages/ISLR2/ seems that it Depends:  R (≥ 3.5.0)
00:37:38    Nilay Yönet:    yes my R version is
00:37:40    Nilay Yönet:    R version 4.1.0 (2021-05-18)
00:38:12    Rahul:  OK, then that might not be the reason
00:38:43    Nilay Yönet:    Idk :/ I will try cloning :)
00:38:45    Rose Hartman (she/her): Nilay, usually when I get that error message, I find it’s because I had a typo in the package name ;) Double check that you typed it in correctly?
00:39:03    Nilay Yönet:    oh ok I will check that as well :)
00:49:10    Fariborz Soroush:   Suggestions for API? VSCode? Jupyter? I remember R had its own interpreter but I have MacOS not sure if it works there.
00:50:10    Rose Hartman (she/her): I really like RStudio for R: https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/
00:50:24    Mounika [Monika]:   RStudio is the OG for R!!
00:50:38    Fariborz Soroush:   Ok, RStudio it is :) :D
00:54:31    Rahul:  13th march
00:54:36    Rose Hartman (she/her): Quick poll: Who is interested in doing tidymodels? I am, but happy to skip it if everyone else would prefer to stay in base R.
00:55:35    Mounika [Monika]:   I think the plan of covering base as well as tidyR sounds good.. I am ok sticking to baseR if both is too much
00:57:24    Amber:  ^^ same
00:57:44    Rose Franzen (she/her): I am also interested in tidy models
00:57:47    Amber:  Bye everyone!

1.12.4 Cohort 4

Meeting chat log
00:20:25    Kevin Kent: https://github.com/r4ds/bookclub-islr
00:34:27    Kevin Kent: https://forms.gle/r4vfsArqSz3cBe9v6
00:36:18    Kevin Kent: https://forms.gle/r4vfsArqSz3cBe9v6
01:02:59    Ronald Legere:  https://otexts.com/fpp2/
01:03:17    Ronald Legere:  https://otexts.com/fpp3/
01:06:47    Lydia Gibson:   Spam always says free or has an exclamation point lol

1.12.5 Cohort 5

Meeting chat log
00:04:33    Lucio Cornejo:  Hello
00:04:52    Derek Sollberger (he/him):  good afternoon
00:05:00    Lucio Cornejo:  Let's wait 5 minutes, in case more people connect.
00:11:25    Lucio Cornejo:  https://r4ds.github.io/bookclub-islr/
00:20:00    Phoebe Chapman: Hi everyone, it’s 9am Monday here in NZ and I’m in a shared office so I’ll intro myself in the chat to avoid suturing others int he office. I’m a postdoc working on microbiomes at Uni of Otago and I’m interested in increasing my broad statistical knowledge
00:20:23    Phoebe Chapman: *disturbing
00:31:32    Lucio Cornejo:  https://botlnec.github.io/islp/
00:39:32    Lucio Cornejo:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QVH6GEusEFUNEsFj3idxGH7XFq8hDC7jFaCWdx0q164/edit#gid=0
00:42:07    Derek Sollberger (he/him):  Thank you for facilitating :-D
00:42:18    Phoebe Chapman: All good. Look forward to next week! thanks
00:42:23    Caroline Schreiber: Appreciate the really good introduction, Lucio!
00:42:31    Darcé:  Thanks, sorry again for being late
00:42:59    Caroline Schreiber: Bye everyone, see you next week 🙂