13.10 Multiple T-test

For calculating the t-test for all the genes in the geneExpression matrix, we use the rowttests() function from the {genefilter} package.


We define the NULL Hypothesis with a vector of the same length of the unique elements in the dataset. If our dataset is made of m unique elements and m0 are the number of positives, we can build a binary vector to use in the calculation of the pvalues.

Here is an example on how to make a nullHypothesis vector.

nullHypothesis <- c(rep(TRUE,m0), rep(FALSE,m-m0))
null_hypothesis <- factor(nullHypothesis, levels=c("TRUE","FALSE"))

In our case study we use the geneExpression matrix with genes expression data and the sampleInfo for retrieving the groups of positives and negatives within the dataset.

null_hypothesis <- factor(sampleInfo$group)

Have a look a the dimentsion of the geneExpression matrix:

## [1] 8793   24
  as.data.frame() %>%
  rownames_to_column("gene") %>%
##        gene n
## 1 1007_s_at 1
## 2   1053_at 1
## 3    117_at 1
## 4    121_at 1
## 5 1255_g_at 1
## 6   1294_at 1

Statistics, difference in mean and p.value:

results <- rowttests(geneExpression,null_hypothesis)
results2 <- rowttests(geneExpression,factor(rep("a","b",24)))
##             statistic           dm    p.value
## 1007_s_at -2.11988375 -0.186257601 0.04553344
## 1053_at    2.26498355  0.226080913 0.03370683
## 117_at     1.54736766  0.096183548 0.13604026
## 121_at    -0.54071279 -0.034530859 0.59413846
## 1255_g_at -0.03995292 -0.001775578 0.96849102
## 1294_at    1.80428848  0.154955035 0.08489586
##           statistic       dm      p.value
## 1007_s_at  136.6005 6.440704 5.687463e-35
## 1053_at    132.6100 7.187989 1.123837e-34
## 117_at     163.2384 5.224929 9.487983e-37
## 121_at     245.0113 7.702133 8.377450e-41
## 1255_g_at  148.2109 3.221102 8.729094e-36
## 1294_at    161.7306 7.277389 1.174338e-36

The results is 1383 genes have a pvalue lower than 5%

results <- rowttests(geneExpression,null_hypothesis)
## [1] 0.1572842

13.10.1 FWER Family Wise Error Rate

What is the probability to make at least 1 type I error?

First consider the nuber of hypothesis which is the number of genes in our case:

m <- length(results$p.value) 
## [1] 8793

Then calculate the FWER:

## [1] 1

So, the probability to make at least one type I error is 1! if we set \(\alpha\): \[P(\text{at least one rejection})=1−(1−k)^m=5\%\] \[k=1-0.95^{\frac{1}{m}}\approx 0.000005\]

## [1] 5.833407e-06

What we need to do next is to adjust this FWER to a suitable threshold applying some corrections, such as the Bonferroni correction procedure sets \(k=\alpha/m\):

## [1] 0.04877071
## [1] 5.686341e-06
## [1] 10

Now, the number of hypothesis with a pvalue lower than 5% are 10 and the FWER adjusted is:

## [1] 0.001137268

13.10.2 FDR False discovery rate

This is referred to as a discovery driven project or experiment, as we are now going to adjust the threshold to a lower value than \(\alpha\) through experiment just as the same as we have demonstrated above.

“The idea behind FDR is to focus on the random variable Q≡V/R with Q=0 when R=0 and V=0. Note that R=0 (nothing called significant) implies V=0 (no false positives). So Q is a random variable that can take values between 0 and 1 and we can define a rate by considering the average of Q. To better understand this concept here, we compute Q for the procedure: call everything p-value < 0.05 significant.”

Compare the FDR results for two methods.

  1. First method: using p.adjust() function from {stats} package
pvals = results$p.value

# to find a q-value with the false discovery rate method
fdr <- p.adjust(pvals, method="fdr")

## [1] 13
## [1] 0.001478449
  1. Second method: using the qvalue() function from {qvalue} package
res <- qvalue::qvalue(pvals)
qvals <- res$qvalues
## [1] 22
## [1] 0.00250199

The proportion of true null hypotheses:

## [1] 0.6695739
expectedfreq <- length(pvals)/20 #per bin