13.4 Family Wise Error Rate (FWER)
Probability of making at least 1 type I error.
FWER is the probability of at least 1 type I error
\[FWER =Pr(V\geq1)=\] \[=1-Pr(V=0)=\] \[=1-\prod_{1}^{m}{(1-\alpha)}=\] \[1-(1-\alpha)^m\]
With hypothesis that m tests are independents.
13.4.1 Controlling FWER
- Bonferroni correction
\[FWER\leq m\frac{\alpha}{m}=\alpha\] We set a new \(\alpha\) value which is lower in proportion.
Bonferroni \(\frac{\alpha}{m}=\text{new } \alpha\)
- Holm’s step down Holm’s \(L=min{j:p_j>\frac{\alpha}{m+1-j}}\) is less conservative, with fewer type II errors and greater power.
\[\text{min }\{p_j>\frac{\alpha}{m+1-j}\}\]
These other two are subsequent methods to apply for further investigations:
Tukey’s method
Scheffè’s method