4.20 Meeting Videos

4.20.1 Cohort 1

Meeting chat log
00:08:27    Kim M:  👋😁
00:09:40    SriRam: Yay, summer time in SA
00:12:51    SriRam: lol
00:13:42    SriRam: Can someone help me with zoom, my Audio doesn’t work. I tried many microphones 🙁, all kinds of settings
00:14:01    SriRam: Any expert advice?
00:14:05    Raymond Balise: Mac or Windows?
00:14:10    SriRam: Mac
00:14:16    Raymond Balise: I supper common
00:14:27    Raymond Balise: there is an up arrow next to the mic
00:14:28    SriRam: 🙁
00:14:30    Raymond Balise: pick the mic there
00:14:40    Raymond Balise: Zoom usually guesses worng
00:14:53    SriRam: It says “same as system”
00:15:24    August: document html knit open that
00:15:24    Ryan Metcalf:   Ctrl + Shift + B for building. Or Knit the single file.
00:15:29    Kim M:  No other option? I see 'same as system' but the other option ('Microphone Array...') is selected
00:15:36    Raymond Balise: are you using an external mic
00:15:55    SriRam: Yes < I tried wired and wireless
00:36:18    Jon Harmon (jonthegeek):    FYI: No newline between $$ and the equation to get it to render properly in HTML output. So:
$$Pr(Y = k|X = x) … {(x)}$$ works (even if it's multi-line in-between)
01:08:09    Raymond Balise: Lovely work.  I need to get to another meeting.
01:12:36    Ryan Metcalf:   Great job Mei Ling!
01:13:04    Kim M:  Me. But I'm not sure I'll be able to get through.
01:13:14    Kim M:  I'll try.
01:13:48    Laura Rose: sounds good!
01:14:05    Kim M:  Ciao
Meeting chat log
00:22:00    Wayne Defreitas:    YES tidymodels
00:31:06    August: cs = cubic spline
00:32:57    August: some additional stuff about splines in r
00:32:58    August: https://bmcmedresmethodol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12874-019-0666-3
00:42:58    Wayne Defreitas:    #can create custom function [metric_set()] to specify which model metrics we want.

#available functions: accuracy(), kap(), sens(),spec(), ppv(), npv(), mcc(), j_index(), bal_accuracy, detection_prevalence(), precision(), recall(), f_meas() 
custom_metrics <- metric_set (accuracy, sens, spec)
00:44:24    Wayne Defreitas:    custom_metrics(leads_results,
00:44:43    August: https://yardstick.tidymodels.org/reference/metric_set.html
01:02:54    Wayne Defreitas:    Running to another meeting…thanks everyone
Meeting chat log
00:20:03    Raymond Balise: nicely done
00:21:33    Mei Ling Soh:   https://www.theanalysisfactor.com/count-data-considered-continuous/#:~:text=The%20issue%20with%20count%20variables,model%2C%20which%20require%20continuous%20data.&text=Treating%20that%20count%20variable%20as,in%20your%20particular%20data%20set.
00:30:04    SriRam: Just realised that GLM is not in the first edition (the book I have) :(
00:30:54    August: https://www.statlearning.com/
00:31:05    August: link at the bottom of page for 2nd edition
00:31:24    SriRam: Thank you August & Mei
00:32:25    August: 👍 anytime
00:42:27    Federica Gazzelloni:    Thanks Raymond!!

4.20.2 Cohort 2

Meeting chat log
00:24:30    Ricardo Serrano:    https://github.com/rserran/melbourne_housing_kaggle
00:24:39    Federica Gazzelloni:    thanks
00:59:01    Jim Gruman: tidy(x, conf.int = FALSE, conf.level = 0.95, exponentiate = FALSE, ...)  the exponentiate = TRUE will back out of the log to give just the odds
00:59:04    Anna-Leigh Brown:   https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=logistic+function
01:06:46    Jim Gruman: I will always question the glm breakpoint of 0.5, A good discussion for offline of a means of adjustment here: https://towardsdatascience.com/bank-customer-churn-with-tidymodels-part-2-decision-threshold-analysis-c658845ef1f
01:07:22    Jim Gruman: thank you Michael !
01:09:39    jlsmith3:   Thank you, Michael!
01:09:44    Ricardo Serrano:    Thanks, Michael!
Meeting chat log
00:10:56    Ricardo:    https://www.polyu.edu.hk/cbs/sjpolit/logisticregression.html
00:14:57    Federica Gazzelloni:    https://www.coursera.org/specializations/biostatistics-public-health Dr. John McGready, PhD, MS
01:10:26    Jim Gruman: thank you Michael!  don't eat the mushrooms🍄
01:10:50    jlsmith3:   Thank you, Michael!!
01:11:18    Ricardo:    Thanks, Michael 👍

4.20.3 Cohort 3

Meeting chat log
00:43:07    Soroush, Fariborz:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZGCoVF3YvM
00:43:12    Soroush, Fariborz:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lG4VkPoG3ko
00:43:20    Soroush, Fariborz:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2Tpws5C2Eg
Meeting chat log
00:05:38    Jeremy Selva:   10pm
00:44:38    Rose Hartman:   This has been super helpful for me, at least! Thank you 🙂
01:03:10    Mei Ling Soh:   We will need to end soon.
01:03:22    Mei Ling Soh:   I can present the lab next week
01:03:31    Mei Ling Soh:   I have prepared the slides up to KNN
01:05:10    Rose Hartman:   Thank you so much for this explanation today! Very helpful.

4.20.4 Cohort 4

4.20.5 Cohort 5

Meeting chat log
00:37:05    Derek Sollberger (he/him): Yes, you are describing the English and Greek letters correctly
00:50:26    Derek Sollberger (he/him): true positive rate = (# of true positives) / (# of all positives)