Rectangling data: applications

## [1] "list"
str(gh_repos, 4, list.len = 2)
## List of 6
##  $ :List of 30
##   ..$ :List of 68
##   .. ..$ id               : int 61160198
##   .. ..$ name             : chr "after"
##   .. .. [list output truncated]
##   ..$ :List of 68
##   .. ..$ id               : int 40500181
##   .. ..$ name             : chr "argufy"
##   .. .. [list output truncated]
##   .. [list output truncated]
##  $ :List of 30
##   ..$ :List of 68
##   .. ..$ id               : int 14756210
##   .. ..$ name             : chr "2013-11_sfu"
##   .. .. [list output truncated]
##   ..$ :List of 68
##   .. ..$ id               : int 14152301
##   .. ..$ name             : chr "2014-01-27-miami"
##   .. .. [list output truncated]
##   .. [list output truncated]
##   [list output truncated]