00:03:23 Becki R. (she/her): I'm having trouble with a buzz again
00:03:37 Njoki Njuki Lucy: I so look forward to the discussion. I have been struggling with understanding this particular chapter! :)
00:26:58 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): > x <- purrr::set_names(month.name, month.abb)
> x
00:27:21 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): x[["Jan"]]
00:30:12 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): results <- purrr::set_names(vector("list", length(x)), names(x))
00:35:10 lucus w: A data frame is simply a list in disguise
00:45:37 Njoki Njuki Lucy: It makes sense now, thanks!
00:48:05 Ryan Metcalf: Sorry team, I have to drop. Sister-in-law is stranded and needs a jump-start. I’ll finish watching the recording and catch any questions.
00:51:19 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): > paste(month.name, collapse = "")
[1] "JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember"
> paste(month.name, collapse = " ")
[1] "January February March April May June July August September October November December"
01:09:10 Njoki Njuki Lucy: that's so cool! I wondered! Ha!!
01:10:30 Federica Gazzelloni: thanks Jon!!
Meeting chat log
00:10:17 Becki R. (she/her): brb!
00:26:00 Njoki Njuki Lucy: does this mean, in this case, we will have 3 regression models?
00:26:21 Federica Gazzelloni: can you specify: mtcars%>%map(.f=
00:27:12 Federica Gazzelloni: mtcars%>%split(.$cyl)%>%map(.f=lm(….))
00:27:41 Ryan Metcalf: I’m reading it as `mpg` being dependent (y) and `wt` being independent.
00:29:08 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): # A more realistic example: split a data frame into pieces, fit a
# model to each piece, summarise and extract R^2
mtcars %>%
split(.$cyl) %>%
map(~ lm(mpg ~ wt, data = .x)) %>%
map(summary) %>%
00:29:55 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): mtcars %>%
split(.$cyl) %>%
map(.f = ~ lm(mpg ~ wt, data = .x))
00:30:22 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): mtcars %>%
split(.$cyl) %>%
map(.f = lm(mpg ~ wt, data = .x))
00:45:11 Federica Gazzelloni: coalesce()
01:17:01 Ryan Metcalf: Great Job Becki!!!
01:17:25 Becki R. (she/her): Thanks :)
Cohort 6
Meeting chat log
00:04:39 Marielena Soilemezidi: I'll be back in 3'! No haste with the setup:)
00:04:52 Adeyemi Olusola: Ok
00:07:22 Adeyemi Olusola: Let me know when you return
Meeting chat log
00:11:10 Marielena Soilemezidi: hello! :)
00:20:31 Marielena Soilemezidi: yep, it looks good!
00:46:18 Daniel Adereti: How does it get the list of 3?
00:47:55 Marielena Soilemezidi: sorry, got disconnected for some time, but I'm back!
00:48:05 Daniel Adereti: No worries!
00:58:28 Adeyemi Olusola: olusolaadeyemi.ao@gmail.com
Cohort 7
Meeting chat log
00:06:31 Oluwafemi Oyedele: Hi Tim!!!
00:06:47 Tim Newby: Hi Oluwafemi, can you here me?
00:06:48 Oluwafemi Oyedele: We will start in 6 minutes time!!!
00:13:26 Oluwafemi Oyedele: start
00:56:02 Oluwafemi Oyedele: https://adv-r.hadley.nz/functionals.html
00:56:25 Oluwafemi Oyedele: stop