
  • The figures in a Quarto document can be embedded (e.g., a PNG or JPEG file) or generated as a result of a code chunk.

  • Five main options that control figure sizing: fig-width, fig-height, fig-asp, out-width and out-height. Image sizing is challenging because there are two sizes (the size of the figure created by R and the size at which it is inserted in the output document), and multiple ways of specifying the size (i.e. height, width, and aspect ratio: pick two of three).

    • It’s best if plots have consistent width. To enforce this, set fig-width: 6 (6”) and fig-asp: 0.618 (the golden ratio) in the defaults. Then in individual chunks, only adjust fig-asp.

    • Control the output size with out-width and set it to a percentage of the body width of the output document. We suggest to out-width: “70%” and fig-align: center.

    • To put multiple plots in a single row, set the layout-ncol to 2 for two plots, 3 for three plots, etc. This effectively sets out-width to “50%” for each of your plots if layout-ncol is 2,

  • Great blog post by Thomas Lin Pedersen about controling plot scaling.