Meeting Videos
16.0.1 Cohort 5
Meeting chat log
00:05:04 Federica Gazzelloni: Hello
00:23:34 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): Useful: R has and character vectors built in. So you can do things like y3 <- factor(, levels =
00:35:46 Ryan Metcalf: Open ended question for the team. If Factors are a built-in enumeration in categorical data….what if the data in review has a dictionary and the variable (column) of each record is entered as a numeral. Would a best practice to use a join or mutate to enter the text instead of a numeral.
01:00:25 Ryan Metcalf: I’m not finding a direct definition of “level” in the Forecats text. Would it be appropriate to state a “level” in this Factor chapter is the “quantity of a given category?”
01:05:05 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek):
16.0.2 Cohort 6
Meeting chat log
00:12:43 Daniel Adereti:
00:13:46 Adeyemi Olusola: Its freezing but I don’t know if it’s from my end
00:15:05 Shannon: Yes, Adeyemi, it's freezing a bit...cleared up for now
00:19:52 Adeyemi Olusola: I guess as.factor( ) does the same without aorting
01:01:46 Marielena Soilemezidi: thank you Daniel!
01:01:52 Adeyemi Olusola: Thank you Daniel
01:02:34 Marielena Soilemezidi: bye all!
01:02:40 Daniel Adereti: Bye!
16.0.4 Cohort 8
Meeting chat log
00:39:21 shamsuddeen:
00:39:43 Abdou: Sometimes you just want to lump together the small groups to make a plot or table simpler
00:39:52 shamsuddeen: yes
00:39:55 shamsuddeen: exactly
00:40:50 Abdou: Reacted to "https://forcats.tidy..." with 👍