Meeting Videos
Cohort 5
Meeting chat log
00:13:48 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): "dplyr" as in "data plyer" (tools for working with data)
00:22:03 Ryan Metcalf: I call the | as “handlebar”…may be my own lingo too.
00:22:20 lucus w: I like vbar
00:38:30 Ryan Metcalf: Quick thought, on dat ingestion, does the tidyverse convert null to NA? Or an alternative, does look for null too?
00:39:19 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): Null coming in from a database will convert to NA. NULL specifically means "does not exist," and can't be inside a vector of numbers in R. It's its own data type in R.
00:39:24 lucus w: I believe NA and NULL aren’t the same thing, so I’d guess no
00:39:53 Njoki Njuki Lucy: can one use filter to remove na?
00:40:01 Ryan Metcalf: 👍🏻
00:40:45 lucus w: filter(! wil do the trick
00:40:51 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): filter(flights, ! would remove NA rows.
00:41:05 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): Lucus beat me to it :D
00:42:22 Njoki Njuki Lucy: awesome, thank you both :)
00:46:06 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): Chapter 14 has more on regular expressions.
00:47:03 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek):
00:58:04 lucus w: I wish all aggregate functions would have na.rm = TRUE as a default
01:04:21 lucus w: is magrittr a function or just an operator
01:04:35 lucus w: %>%
01:04:38 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): If you're curious why the pipe package is called magrittr:
01:05:02 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): magrittr is the package which exports the %>% function (but it's a special kind of function because it can go in the middle of its arguments)
01:16:15 Eileen: Great presentation
01:16:17 Ryan Metcalf: Great job!
01:16:34 LG: Thank you!
01:16:46 Njoki Njuki Lucy: Thank you!
01:17:40 Eileen: Thank you!
Meeting chat log
00:04:33 Susan Neilson: Yes!
00:27:11 shamsuddeen:
00:27:30 Federica Gazzelloni:
00:27:54 shamsuddeen:
00:28:15 shamsuddeen: 1L, 2L
00:28:50 Federica Gazzelloni: tribble() creates tibbles using an easier to read row-by-row layout.
00:37:49 Becki R. (she/her): the audio is out
01:08:20 Susie N.: I have to head out everyone - thank you all so much for an excellent class and discussion!
01:08:32 Federica Gazzelloni: info for lealeft:
01:09:32 Federica Gazzelloni: the documentation says: ~ x means the variable x in the data object
01:10:21 shamsuddeen:
01:10:44 Njoki Njuki Lucy: thanks you
01:10:51 Njoki Njuki Lucy: thank*
01:12:24 shamsuddeen: Strings
01:12:35 shamsuddeen: Chapter
01:12:38 Federica Gazzelloni: thanks
01:12:40 shamsuddeen: I can do
Cohort 6
Meeting chat log
00:01:33 Adeyemi Olusola: good day Daniel
00:01:48 Daniel Adereti: Hello Adeyemi!
00:03:09 Adeyemi Olusola: we are experiencing loadshedding as regards electricity in SA. So, If I am unavailable at some point kindly know that its light issues
00:03:26 Daniel Adereti: Got you!
00:06:42 Daniel Adereti: Let's give people about 5 minutes to join in
00:07:21 Daniel Adereti: Also, expecting our volunteer Matthew to join a bit late
00:07:38 Shannon: Sounds good
00:07:56 Daniel Adereti: He had to reschedule a number of things due to the timezone issues (CDT vs WAT)
00:09:07 Shannon: it's a bit crackly
00:09:30 Adeyemi Olusola: yes...its getting better
00:10:29 Adeyemi Olusola: yeah
00:10:32 Shannon: much better!
00:10:45 Adeyemi Olusola: you decide
00:12:04 Shannon: yes! seeing your RStudio screen clearly
00:19:39 Vrinda Kalia: That’s my guess as well
00:21:10 Freya Watkins (she/her): maybe it's just the order, a=1, b=2 etc? I guess
00:21:25 Daniel Adereti: seems like @freya
00:21:26 Shannon: That seems right
00:21:27 Adeyemi Olusola: my guess...
00:21:36 Adeyemi Olusola: perhaps we can try z and t
00:22:56 Daniel Adereti: 'z' > 't' == TRUE, so it appears it is by order
00:23:10 Adeyemi Olusola: nice one
00:24:25 Adeyemi Olusola: equal to
00:24:29 Adeyemi Olusola: a = 1
00:24:40 Vrinda Kalia: on Mac: option + -
00:24:45 Freya Watkins (she/her): ALT-minus is a shortcut for on Windows
00:29:26 Adeyemi Olusola: 1 = 5 is false but the negation turns it true
00:32:00 Adeyemi Olusola: yes, we can
00:32:54 Vrinda Kalia: Sorry, I don’t see the pop-up. We see the help pane
00:33:23 Adeyemi Olusola: Yes, I was referring to the help pane, I thought he will be scrolling along the pane
00:36:01 Vrinda Kalia: flights$month
00:38:15 Shannon: I haven't seen/used the as.levels() function yet, looks like it can be useful!
00:38:57 Daniel Adereti: levels(as.factor(flights$month))
00:39:07 Adeyemi Olusola: exactly
00:39:31 Shannon: Nice!
00:40:59 Shannon: oops, as.factor(), not as.levels()
00:41:19 Adeyemi Olusola: @Shannon exactly
00:41:44 Shannon: So many functions to learn! :)
00:44:54 Adeyemi Olusola: its filtering november
00:45:20 Adeyemi Olusola: across years
00:47:09 Adeyemi Olusola: the time is also there
00:47:43 Adeyemi Olusola: so there are many flights in one (1) day
00:52:32 Daniel Adereti: Let's aim to finish the filter() fxn lesson today, right? it ends at "missing values"
00:52:57 Shannon: that sounds good
00:58:50 Vrinda Kalia: That sounds good!
00:58:52 Adeyemi Olusola: Nice work!!!!
00:59:04 Adeyemi Olusola: Thanks a lot Mattew!
00:59:04 Aalekhya Reddam: That’s great! Thank you Matthew :)
00:59:05 Vrinda Kalia: thank you so much, Matthew!
00:59:23 Shannon: Thank you, Matthew!
00:59:35 Adeyemi Olusola: Bye Bye
00:59:42 Freya Watkins (she/her): Thanks Matthew!
00:59:45 Daniel Adereti: Thank you!
Cohort 8
Meeting chat log
00:55:33 shamsuddeen:
01:09:35 shamsuddeen:
Meeting chat log
00:50:43 shamsuddeen:
00:51:50 shamsuddeen: Ctrl + Shift + M