Example: Star Wars Tibble

  title = section |> 
    html_element("h2") |> 
  released = section |> 
    html_element("p") |> 
    html_text2() |> 
    stringr::str_remove("Released: ") |> 
  director = section |> 
    html_element(".director") |> 
  intro = section |> 
    html_element(".crawl") |> 
## # A tibble: 7 × 4
##   title                   released   director         intro                     
##   <chr>                   <date>     <chr>            <chr>                     
## 1 The Phantom Menace      1999-05-19 George Lucas     "Turmoil has engulfed the…
## 2 Attack of the Clones    2002-05-16 George Lucas     "There is unrest in the G…
## 3 Revenge of the Sith     2005-05-19 George Lucas     "War! The Republic is cru…
## 4 A New Hope              1977-05-25 George Lucas     "It is a period of civil …
## 5 The Empire Strikes Back 1980-05-17 Irvin Kershner   "It is a dark time for th…
## 6 Return of the Jedi      1983-05-25 Richard Marquand "Luke Skywalker has retur…
## 7 The Force Awakens       2015-12-11 J. J. Abrams     "Luke Skywalker has vanis…