00:14:44 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): Ignore the URL on these, I should have made my coworker crop those out since it isn't relevant outside of our work environment 🙃
00:47:00 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): ?variable.names
00:58:53 Becki R. (she/her): jon_doe is an object?
00:59:05 Wai-Yin: Yes.
01:10:33 Becki R. (she/her): Is there a list of verbal substitutions like "<- = get"?
01:16:05 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): Not yet! Some more will come up as we go through the book... and I plan on putting something together with them before too long!
01:16:56 Becki R. (she/her): Nice!
01:20:44 docksbox@pm.me: Thanks
01:22:41 Becki R. (she/her): Thanks everyone! I will not be here next week.
2.1.2 Cohort 7
Meeting chat log
00:29:38 Dolleen Osundwa: is a tibble similar to the table () function?
2.1.3 Cohort 8
Meeting chat log
00:06:13 Shamsuddeen Muhammad: book_club-py4da
00:06:16 Shamsuddeen Muhammad: #book_club-py4da
00:08:47 Shamsuddeen Muhammad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tq1C8spV_g
00:09:03 Abdou Daffeh: Hey everyone
00:34:25 Abdou Daffeh: sorry do you mean vscode?
00:34:45 Hamza: Yes he is using VSCode
00:35:13 Abdou Daffeh: thanks, I have to check it out
00:41:22 Shamsuddeen Muhammad: https://www.rscreencasts.com/content_pages/hbcu-enrollment.html