Extract variables

  • separate_wider_regex(): extract data out of one column into one or more new columns.
    • construct a sequence of regular expressions that match each piece.
    • give each a name to have the contents of that piece to appear in the output.
df <- tribble(

df |> 
    patterns = c(
      name = "[A-Za-z]+", 
      gender = ".",
      age = "[0-9]+"
## # A tibble: 7 × 3
##   name     gender age  
##   <chr>    <chr>  <chr>
## 1 Sheryl   F      34   
## 2 Kisha    F      45   
## 3 Brandon  N      33   
## 4 Sharon   F      38   
## 5 Penny    F      58   
## 6 Justin   M      41   
## 7 Patricia F      84