23.13 JSON

  • Examples of toy JSONs from Exercise 23.5.4 Item 1: “Rectangle the df_col and df_row below. They represent the two ways of encoding a data frame in JSON.”
json_col <- parse_json('
    "x": ["a", "x", "z"],
    "y": [10, null, 3]
json_row <- parse_json('
    {"x": "a", "y": 10},
    {"x": "x", "y": null},
    {"x": "z", "y": 3}

df_col <- tibble(json = list(json_col)) 
df_row <- tibble(json = json_row)
df_col |> 
  unnest_wider(json) |> 
  unnest_longer(x) |> 
## # A tibble: 9 × 2
##   x         y
##   <chr> <int>
## 1 a        10
## 2 a        NA
## 3 a         3
## 4 x        10
## 5 x        NA
## 6 x         3
## 7 z        10
## 8 z        NA
## 9 z         3
df_row |> unnest_wider(json)
## # A tibble: 3 × 2
##   x         y
##   <chr> <int>
## 1 a        10
## 2 x        NA
## 3 z         3