00:03:37 Njoki Njuki Lucy: I agree with Ryan.
00:15:27 Ryan Metcalf: https://pandoc.org/
00:20:48 Ryan Metcalf: Some extra reading material: https://www.w3.org/TR/WD-html40-970708/intro/sgmltut.html
00:28:14 Njoki Njuki Lucy: Qn, does anyone know why putting figure captions move figures to other positions?
00:33:58 Federica Gazzelloni: try with {r ….., fig.align =“center”}
00:35:01 Njoki Njuki Lucy: Thanks Federica, I'll give it a try :)
00:57:25 Ryan Metcalf: https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/
00:58:59 Ryan Metcalf: The comment I’m making, there are many forms of Markdown, not all created equally. John Gruber originated Markdown syntax to make authoring easier. GitHub versus GitLab, versus RMarkdonw, etc...
01:02:40 Federica Gazzelloni: you can set your path: opts_chunk$set(cache.path = " ")
01:04:42 Federica Gazzelloni: https://bookdown.org/yihui/rmarkdown-cookbook/cache.html
01:06:13 Ryan Metcalf: https://quarto.org/
01:07:57 Federica Gazzelloni: The most appropriate use case of caching is to save and reload R objects that take too long to compute in a code chunk
01:09:20 Njoki Njuki Lucy: no
01:09:26 Federica Gazzelloni: no
01:12:49 Njoki Njuki Lucy: I'll have to leave, thanks Becki! I look forward to the other part!!
01:12:53 Federica Gazzelloni: there is some more about the changing r session and the cache: https://www.r-bloggers.com/2021/07/caching-the-results-of-functions-of-your-r-package/
01:13:02 Becki R. (she/her): Bye Lucy!
Meeting chat log
00:10:00 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): bestbook.cool
00:11:26 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): https://podcast.bestbook.cool/
00:28:01 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): happygitwithr.com
00:30:59 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): Remind @Sandra Muroy to share the dlab GitHub stuff when this posts to our channel. There, I think that will tag you in the post!
00:32:44 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): xaringan
00:36:45 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): lol, it's just called {shinydashboard}
00:48:24 Becki R. (she/her): I definitely need help with that!
00:53:08 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): It's been a while since we learned that!
2021-08-21: Chapter 6: Workflow: scripts: Ryan Metcalf
01:01:01 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): {pak} = updated package tracker
01:01:48 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): {targets}
01:03:00 Federica Gazzelloni: library(pkgsnap)
01:04:15 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): devtools::install_version()
01:05:00 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): ?remotes::install_version()
01:05:15 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): install_version("devtools", ">= 1.12.0, < 1.14")
01:07:07 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): https://github.com/MangoTheCat/pkgsnap
01:11:32 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): https://docs.ropensci.org/targets/
01:11:46 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): pkgdown
01:12:41 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): https://rsample.tidymodels.org/
01:13:21 Jon Harmon (jonthegeek): https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/
01:13:32 Sandra Muroy: https://github.com/dlab-berkeley/Bash-Git
00:08:43 Tim Newby: Hello Oluwafemi!
00:09:47 Oluwafemi Oyedele: start
00:19:45 Oluwafemi Oyedele: This is cool!!!
00:37:04 Oluwafemi Oyedele: https://rstudio-conf-2022.github.io/get-started-quarto/
01:01:50 Oluwafemi Oyedele: https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles
01:01:57 Oluwafemi Oyedele: stop
28.0.4 Cohort 8
Meeting chat log
00:01:59 Shamsuddeen Muhammad: start
00:10:33 Ahmed Mamdouh: Im here
00:10:47 Ahmed Mamdouh: The internet is so bad sorry
00:12:18 Ahmed Mamdouh: Oh interesting
00:18:39 Ahmed Mamdouh: It like packaging all dependencies
00:25:58 Ahmed Mamdouh: Renv is like venv in python
00:29:57 Ahmed Mamdouh: Yup
00:31:32 Ahmed Mamdouh: Awesome
00:32:25 Shamsuddeen Muhammad: stop
00:32:27 Ahmed Mamdouh: Thanks alot man
00:32:50 Ahmed Mamdouh: Bye