Meeting Videos

Cohort 1

Meeting chat log
00:27:47    Lydia Gibson:   What are npc unts?
00:27:56    Michael Haugen: "npc" (Normalized Parent Coordinates)
00:28:02    Michael Haugen: 0 to 1
00:28:07    Lydia Gibson:   Oh okay. Thank you!
00:28:16    Michael Haugen: Same thing that was used for faceting annotations.
00:28:43    Michael Haugen: so .8 is l80 percent of the way up the y axis for example.
00:28:47    Lydia Gibson:   I missed annotations last week. I’ll have to go back and watch the session.
00:43:21    SriRam: I use patch and cowplot
00:50:00    Kent Johnson:
00:50:09    Lydia Gibson:   Thank you!
00:50:17    Michael Haugen: The arrows are in chapter 8.3 with geom and curve for example, annotate(
    geom = "curve", x = 4, y = 35, xend = 2.65, yend = 27, 
    curvature = .3, arrow = arrow(length = unit(2, "mm"))
  ) +
00:51:16    Michael Haugen: and arrows came up in the discussion as a discussion of the GROB and arrows and how to render your plot so the arrows are not distorted.
00:51:16    Ryan Metcalf:   Perfect! “arrow” was the argument I was after!
00:51:37    Michael Haugen: And then we talked about ggsave as a part of that
00:53:32    Michael Haugen: we all will be at Cedric’s level by the end of this bookclub right?
00:53:47    SriRam: :D
00:53:52    Lydia Gibson:   Hopefully lol
00:54:20    Ryan S: Thank you!
00:54:29    SriRam: Thank you
Meeting chat log
00:04:54    June Choe:
00:12:16    Ryan S: brilliant... didn't know this before but really simplifies the concept
00:14:08    Michael Haugen: Makes sense
00:26:15    June Choe:
00:26:36    Ryan Metcalf:   I’m thinking in the context….I buy a car. The engineers have optimized it for longevity….but I want a hot rod….So I need to open the hood and change parts. Or, access the computer and start changing parameters.
00:32:54    SriRam: This is like scuba diving, more beautiful under the surface :)
00:33:15    Stan Piotrowski:    Great analogy, SriRam!
00:33:17    Ryan Metcalf:   Completely agree @SriRam!
00:36:44    June Choe:  ggplot2:::ggplot_build.ggplot
00:37:58    June Choe:  ggplot2:::print.ggplot
00:50:22    Federica Gazzelloni:    thanks June!!!
00:50:54    SriRam: Out of curiosity, how much of this trickery (internal functions) can be learnt from "advanced R" or are these mentioned in the ggplot book ? I am just a regular user, I may not go this deep, but looks very interesting to explore/read during the Christmas break
00:51:12    Stan Piotrowski:    I’m in the same boat as SriRam
00:51:32    Stan Piotrowski:    Curious to know more about this but can definitely see myself getting lost in a rabbit hole
00:54:23    Ryan S: at some point -- maybe a different session -- can we dive deep into the different stat options ("identity", "count", etc.)
00:54:47    Ryan S: specifically, what do they do and when would you use them
00:55:09    Ryan Metcalf:   June, this is amazing!
00:57:27    SriRam: Countdown starts...... 5 mins to come back to reality !!! :D
01:02:21    Stan Piotrowski:    Great talk, June!
01:02:34    Kent Johnson:   Thank you! See you next week!