12.6 Meeting Videos

12.6.1 Cohort 1

Meeting chat log
00:22:22    Federica Gazzelloni:    that’s very useful
00:23:08    Michael Haugen: Arrows!
00:31:57    Ryan Metcalf:   https://ggplot2-book.org/scale-other.html#scale-manual
00:39:42    Federica Gazzelloni:    where do you put the question mark?
00:39:49    Ryan Metcalf:   It may only be me…I always forget how to pull installed datasets in R. If you run `data()` it will list all installed datasets.
00:39:55    Federica Gazzelloni:    before the function'
00:40:03    Federica Gazzelloni:    ?..
00:40:17    Federica Gazzelloni:    to have help information
00:40:28    Ryan Metcalf:   I put it on the front: `?LakeHuron`
00:42:21    June Choe:  BTW a tangent but something I just learned recently about the help syntax: `?` will exact match and `??` will regex match. So `?LakeHuron` and `??keHuro` also works (with the latter being a bit slower)
00:43:00    Ryan S: @June -- Whoa, that's cool
00:43:43    Ryan S: If anyone cares, here is the code that does the LakeHuron data WITH an automatic legend
00:43:45    Ryan S: data.frame(year = 1875:1972, level = as.numeric(LakeHuron)) %>% 
  mutate(above = level + 5,
         below = level -5) %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = c("above", "below"),
               values_to = "new_level",
               names_to = "level_set") %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = year, 
             y = new_level,
             groups = level_set,
             color = level_set)) +
00:44:09    Federica Gazzelloni:    cool
00:44:12    Ryan Metcalf:   Awesome comment June! That would explain why I get “unexpected” behavior….I wasn’t sure of the differences. Thanks for clarifying!
00:44:22    June Choe:  A more on-topic regex-y example of ?? would be like `??scale_.*_manual`
00:44:25    Ryan S: don't forget the groups = level_set….
00:45:05    Federica Gazzelloni:    0.2 near the minimu
00:45:21    Federica Gazzelloni:    scale alpha is 0 to 1
00:46:15    Federica Gazzelloni:    thanks!
00:46:34    Ryan S: thanks, Lydia!
00:46:36    Federica Gazzelloni:    they are all very useful features
00:47:56    June Choe:  maybe we can do a week of tidytuesday session if many people of us are interested too!
00:48:06    Michael Haugen: ^^
00:48:13    priyanka gagneja:   sure
00:48:30    Michael Haugen: I like that; devote one week on a Tidy Tuesday and not a chapter.
00:48:32    Federica Gazzelloni:    would love that @june
00:49:54    June Choe:  I have an old (static) tidytuesday submission done in D3 if you want to peak at the code - https://observablehq.com/@yjunechoe/tidytuesday-2021-22
00:50:16    June Choe:  (but agree with everything Ryan M's saying about how complex it is + pretty big learning curve)
00:51:49    June Choe:  there's base svg renderer and also {svglite} which is developed by Rstudio https://svglite.r-lib.org/
00:55:03    Michael Haugen: D3PO
00:55:12    June Choe:  I have an example of r2d3 rendered in Rmarkdown with D3 code edited in RStudio - https://gist.github.com/yjunechoe/074e0020841fec3009b239583f305adc
00:55:40    June Choe:  (Rstudio has javascript syntax highlight support so writing D3 wasn't too weird)
00:56:47    Michael Haugen: Does Shiny replace the need for D3 or is that apples and organges?
00:57:41    June Choe:  IMO shiny is bulkier because it requires an R server backend but D3/JS can entirely be server-side (all calculations happen inside the user's browser)
00:57:52    June Choe:  oops client-side*
00:57:58    Michael Haugen: thanks June. Makes sense.
00:58:19    Lydia Gibson:   Off topic: I believe they will be removing the examples from the Ggplot2 book in the third edition.
00:59:08    Federica Gazzelloni:    of course you can use it for scraping tables
00:59:21    Ryan S: June -- if you design your application for client-side calculations, I assume you have to optimize it so that it doesn't clog up the user's computer?
00:59:40    Ryan Metcalf:   R2D3 Package Link: https://rstudio.github.io/r2d3/
00:59:52    Ryan S: example -- you don't want to throw a million records at the client-side just because your server side can handle it?
00:59:53    June Choe:  @Ryan S yaaa and i don't have much experience in that but thats a big topic
01:00:02    June Choe:  Thank you!
01:00:18    Ryan S: I'll try it using Ryan M's client side.  :-)
01:01:05    Federica Gazzelloni:    that would be great!
01:01:10    Ryan Metcalf:   Slack channel for Data Visualization Society: Datavizsociety.slack.com
01:01:16    Lydia Gibson:   Yes please!
01:01:35    Ryan Metcalf:   Finally, Pandoc link: https://pandoc.org/
01:01:55    June Choe:  didn't know about that slack - cool!