3.11 Meeting Videos

3.11.1 Cohort 1

Meeting chat log
00:13:39    priyanka gagneja:   I forgot to mention that since this is relatively smaller chapter Ryan has prepared some material introducing Chapter 4 for today and he will talking about the entire chapter next week.
00:16:38    priyanka gagneja:   that's correct
00:16:42    priyanka gagneja:   that's my understanding too
00:18:38    priyanka gagneja:   what do you mean circles .. can you share a more detailed example
00:21:59    Jiwan Heo:  tibble(id = 1:10) %>% mutate(x = cos(2*pi*id/10), y = sin(2*pi*id/10)) %>% ggplot(aes(x, y)) + geom_line() + coord_equal()
00:22:05    Jiwan Heo:  vs tibble(id = 1:10) %>% mutate(x = cos(2*pi*id/10), y = sin(2*pi*id/10)) %>% ggplot(aes(x, y)) + geom_path() + coord_equal()
00:35:42    priyanka gagneja:   Thank you Ryan !!
00:38:16    priyanka gagneja:   need a min
00:52:22    Michael Haugen: “Side rail” no pun intended
00:52:34    Ryan S: lol
00:52:34    Michael Haugen: sounds great
00:54:02    Ryan Metcalf:   I was going to use Derail…..no pun intended!
00:54:05    Ryan Metcalf:   Thanks you everyone!