00:09:20 priyanka gagneja: sorry everyone I just joined
00:09:38 Federica Gazzelloni: Hello!
00:10:02 priyanka gagneja: and will probably be a little in and out .. got a not so happy baby today at home
00:18:11 Stan Piotrowski: I need to take off for a conflict that just came up. Catch up with you all on slack!
00:20:46 SriRam: It is the image product ID
00:21:07 SriRam: All the IDE’s
00:21:50 Kent Johnson: The IDE codes are defined here: https://ropensci.github.io/bomrang/reference/get_available_imagery.html
00:27:32 SriRam: The process is called geo-referencing
00:27:58 SriRam: And image is called a geo-referenced image
00:31:33 SriRam: Yes, it is a reference system
00:31:38 SriRam: A coordinate reference
00:33:04 Federica Gazzelloni: this is the bit that makes the reference: crs = st_crs(sat_vis)
00:49:27 Jiwan Heo: something just came up, and have to leave. See you all next week!
00:59:58 priyanka gagneja: I am signing off now , can someone please address and sign off on my behalf. I will send a msg later on slack
Meeting chat log
00:15:36 Ryan S: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkrJrLs7xfbWjD2rp3pIV85lby-tR3Cnu
00:15:48 Lydia Gibson: Thanks Ryan!
00:16:00 Ryan S: link to a very good basic tutorial on simple features
00:53:58 Lydia Gibson: What is GPU?
00:54:23 Ryan S: GPU is the graphics processing unit (I think)
00:54:31 Lydia Gibson: Thank you
00:54:32 Ryan S: it's the part that "draws" on your screen
00:54:43 Lydia Gibson: Oh okay
00:54:56 Ryan S: versus the CPU that does calculations
00:55:48 SriRam: For 2D and non texture plots, I think it is more a RAM issue
00:55:59 Ryan Metcalf: Oh. I’m so sorry for using Acronyms! Ryan S. is correct. The balance I’m asking Federica is related….”Can I use a slow Laptop or do I have to use a super computer with massive Video card to render these types of graphical objects.
00:56:23 Lydia Gibson: I always thought CPU was synonymous with computer.
00:57:22 Ryan S: Ryan, just repurpose the GPUs you currently have that are mining crypto
00:57:38 Ryan Metcalf: :) Agreed!!!
00:57:57 SriRam: Lol
00:59:14 SriRam: If you have a spatial network, do not miss out on “sfnetworks” package
01:00:07 Federica Gazzelloni: https://kateto.net/netscix2016.html
01:00:14 Federica Gazzelloni: https://www.data-imaginist.com/2017/ggraph-introduction-layouts/
01:00:24 Federica Gazzelloni: https://www.hcbravo.org/networks-across-scales/misc/tidygraph.nb.html
01:00:41 Federica Gazzelloni: https://igraph.org/r/doc/layout_with_drl.html
01:00:48 Federica Gazzelloni: https://tidygraph.data-imaginist.com/reference/index.html#section-misc
01:00:57 Federica Gazzelloni: https://ggraph.data-imaginist.com/articles/Layouts.html
01:01:52 Federica Gazzelloni: https://web.stanford.edu/class/bios221/book/Chap-Graphs.html
01:07:00 SriRam: Tidy is I think , Hadley definition, variable is a column, sample point is a row
01:07:36 SriRam: Sorry my microphone does not work since a few sessions now 🙁
01:07:50 Ryan S: borders on "marketing" to some degree. :)
01:08:08 SriRam: Sfnetwork is not for graphs, it is more for spatial operations