Meeting chat log
00:32:41 Michael Haugen: geom_errorbar() otherwise known as tie fighter plot
00:33:12 Gustavo R. Brito: There's some good explanations about geom_smooth (and se too) in rdocumentation:
00:46:10 priyanka gagneja: the Grey area is the confidence interval
00:48:32 Federica Gazzelloni: The geom_smooth() function in ggplot2 can plot fitted lines from models with a simple structure. Supported model types include models fit with lm() , glm() , nls() , and mgcv::gam() . ... By default you will get confidence intervals plotted in geom_smooth() .
00:49:53 Federica Gazzelloni: This is a linear model fit, so I use method = "lm".
00:50:21 Stan Piotrowski: You can use “scale_y_continuous()” and some of the functions from the “scales” package to modify axes.
00:50:27 June Choe: the model gets fitted by StatSmooth$compute_group() here, if you're curious about the code!
00:51:31 Federica Gazzelloni:
00:56:58 Federica Gazzelloni: some formula from the documentation: Formula to use in smoothing function, eg. y ~ x, y ~ poly(x, 2), y ~ log(x). NULL by default, in which case method = NULL implies formula = y ~ x when there are fewer than 1,000 observations and formula = y ~ s(x, bs = "cs") otherwise.
00:57:52 priyanka gagneja: thats ok , keep going. we can pick up the rest next time we meet.
00:58:21 Lydia Gibson: I’m going to run to my appointment. See you all next week!
00:58:41 Lydia Gibson: Sorry, in two weeks.
00:59:26 Ryan S: as a side note -- it seemed like the topic of stats (i.e., stat = "identity")…. this topic seemed to get very light treatment in the text. to me it seems like this idea of how stats work is a huge topic that requires a lot of understanding and practice.
00:59:52 Stan Piotrowski: I agree, Ryan.
01:00:18 Ryan S: suggest someone who understands this topic (and has the capacity to talk to it) may be willing to take 15 mins on it next time?
01:01:13 June Choe: I also agree (and would be happy to do this, just not this month!) I feel like we could use another week on stat before we're thrown into the Extending ggplot2 section - maybe around when we cover scales
01:02:25 Michael Haugen: Stat part 2 next week?
01:02:33 Stan Piotrowski: That sounds like a good idea to me! That’ll give us some time to dig into the code and figure out what’s going on
01:02:48 Ryan S: I think we're two weeks away (US holiday next week)
01:02:49 priyanka gagneja: +1 Michael