
  • Exercise 23.4.4 Item 4: “Explain the following code line-by-line. Why is it interesting? Why does it work for got_chars but might not work in general?”
tibble(json = got_chars) |> 
  unnest_wider(json) |> 
  select(id, where(is.list)) |> 
    names_to = "name", 
    values_to = "value"
  ) |>  
## # A tibble: 479 × 3
##       id name        value                                               
##    <int> <chr>       <chr>                                               
##  1  1022 titles      Prince of Winterfell                                
##  2  1022 titles      Lord of the Iron Islands (by law of the green lands)
##  3  1022 aliases     Prince of Fools                                     
##  4  1022 aliases     Theon Turncloak                                     
##  5  1022 aliases     Reek                                                
##  6  1022 aliases     Theon Kinslayer                                     
##  7  1022 allegiances House Greyjoy of Pyke                               
##  8  1022 books       A Game of Thrones                                   
##  9  1022 books       A Storm of Swords                                   
## 10  1022 books       A Feast for Crows                                   
## # ℹ 469 more rows