7.5 Which CRS to use?
Same: no good answers!
-> Use the right one for every task
If it is a geographic: the default is “EPSG:4326”
7.5.1 Projected:
Use the one that the public mapping agency use (In France “EPSG:2154”)
UTM: for relatively small area (less than 6 degrees in longitude), you will have a distorted area farther you go from the center of UTM.
You can use https://crs-explorer.proj.org/
You can pick:
Conformal: preserving angles -> same shapes
Equal area: keep area the same: good for density
equidistant: preserving distance
a mix of the above
The goal will be to minimize distortion.
Authors recommendations:
Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area (LAEA): same size but distorted shape
Azimuthal equidistant ([AEQD]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azimuthal_equidistant_projection)): accurate line distance between a point and the center point of the local projection
Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC): good if you are away of equator
Stereographic (STERE