9.12 Other Mapping Packages

TABLE 9.1: Selected general-purpose mapping packages.
Package Title
ggplot2 Create Elegant Data Visualisations Using the Grammar of Graphics
googleway Accesses Google Maps APIs to Retrieve Data and Plot Maps
ggspatial Spatial Data Framework for ggplot2
leaflet Create Interactive Web Maps with Leaflet
mapview Interactive Viewing of Spatial Data in R
plotly Create Interactive Web Graphics via ‘plotly.js’
rasterVis Visualization Methods for Raster Data
tmap Thematic Maps

9.12.1 Specific Map Types

TABLE 9.2: Selected specific-purpose mapping packages, with associated metrics.
Package Title
cartogram Create Cartograms with R
geogrid Turn Geospatial Polygons into Regular or Hexagonal Grids
geofacet ‘ggplot2’ Faceting Utilities for Geographical Data
linemap Line Maps
rayshader Create Maps and Visualize Data in 2D and 3D