14.7 Meeting Videos

14.7.1 Cohort 1

Meeting chat log
Cohort1 reviewed Transportation, Geomarketing, and Conclusion together 

00:47:35    Olivier Leroy:    And all the NA_ 😛
00:50:37    Olivier Leroy:    Dusseldorf is large!
00:51:59    Derek Sollberger (he/his):    The German regions are nuts!
00:52:05    Olivier Leroy:    OSM is so good in Germany, so many mappers
00:52:31    Derek Sollberger (he/his):    Reacted to "OSM is so good in Ge..." with 😻
00:55:18    Olivier Leroy:    Raster here save a lot of calculation
00:57:38    Olivier Leroy:    H3 indexes also
00:59:54    Tony Vota:    I have used the gistackexchange site with success
01:00:00    Olivier Leroy:    Reacted to "I have used the gist..." with 👍
01:08:59    Olivier Leroy:    end