Chapter 3 Attribute Data Operations

Learning objectives:

  • Learn how to explore and manipulate non-spatial attributes of geographic data

The package setup for this chapter of the book:

library(sf)      # vector data package introduced in Chapter 2
library(terra)   # raster data package introduced in Chapter 2
library(dplyr, quietly = TRUE)   # tidyverse package for data frame manipulation


library(spData)  # spatial data package introduced in Chapter 2

# usethis::pr_init("Chapter_3") # one time create a new git branch on the clone of my fork
# devtools::install_dev_deps() # locally install packages required by the book build

# Control-shift-b builds the book

Attributes are the non-spatial information assigned to geometries in the data. Consider an entity like a bus stop. Examples of attributes include

  1. latitude
  2. longitude
  3. name
  4. elevation above sea level
  5. ridership, arriving and departing, by hour
  6. cost to build
  7. gdp, by year
  8. temperature, by hour

Let’s get on the bus and go!