12.8 SVM
Random forest models might be more popular than SVMs [support vector machines]; however, the positive effect of tuning hyperparameters on model performance is much more pronounced in the case of SVMs (Probst, Wright, and Boulesteix 2018)
from the kernlab package (which allows for hyperparameters to be tuned automatically)C-svc
: support vector classifier for classification task
# ERROR? "Element with key 'classif.ksvm' not found in DictionaryLearner!"
# lrn_ksvm = mlr3::lrn("classif.ksvm", predict_type = "prob", kernel = "rbfdot", type = "C-svc")
= mlr3::lrn("classif.svm", predict_type = "prob", kernel = "radial",
lrn_svm type = "C-classification")
$fallback = lrn("classif.featureless", predict_type = "prob")
lrn_svm= mlr3::rsmp("repeated_spcv_coords", folds = 5, repeats = 100) perf_level