9.6 Elements

9.6.1 Compass and Scale Bar

map_nz + 
  tm_compass(type = "8star", position = c("left", "top")) +
  tm_scale_bar(breaks = c(0, 100, 200), text.size = 1)

9.6.2 Settings

misc_map1 <- map_nz + tm_layout(title = "New Zealand")
misc_map2 <- map_nz + tm_layout(scale = 5)
misc_map3 <- map_nz + tm_layout(bg.color = "lightblue")
misc_map4 <- map_nz + tm_layout(frame = FALSE)

tmap_arrange(misc_map1, misc_map2, misc_map3, misc_map4)

Other arguments
  • Frame width (frame.lwd) and an option to allow double lines (frame.double.line)
  • Margin settings including outer.margin and inner.margin
  • Font settings controlled by fontface and fontfamily
  • Legend settings including binary options such as legend.show (whether or not to show the legend), legend.only (omit the map), and legend.outside (should the legend go outside the map?), as well as multiple choice settings such as legend.position
  • Default colors of aesthetic layers (aes.color), map attributes such as the frame (attr.color)
  • Color settings controlling sepia.intensity (how yellowy the map looks) and saturation (a color-grayscale)

9.6.3 Themes

theme_example_1 <- map_nz + tm_style("bw")
theme_example_2 <- map_nz + tm_style("classic")
theme_example_3 <- map_nz + tm_style("cobalt")
theme_example_4 <- map_nz + tm_style("col_blind")

tmap_arrange(theme_example_1, theme_example_2, 
             theme_example_3, theme_example_4)