Chapter 13 Transportation

Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things. - Waldo Tobler


Transport technologies are disruptive, changing spatial relationships between geographic entities including mobile humans and goods: “the purpose of transportation is to overcome space”

This chapter introduces the geographic analysis of transport systems at different geographic levels, including Areal units, Desire lines, Nodes, Routes, Route networks, and agents.

Transport systems are dynamic, where scenarios of change must be modeled, simplifying the complexity of these spatio-temporal systems in ways that capture their essential characteristics.

Typically, models are designed to tackle a particular problem, such as how to improve safety or the environmental performance of transport systems.

library(stplanr)      # for processing geographic transport data
library(tmap)         # map making (see Chapter 9)
library(ggplot2)      # data visualization package
library(sfnetworks)   # spatial network classes and functions 

## tmap mode set to plotting