4.12 Meeting Videos

4.12.1 Cohort 1

Meeting chat log
00:33:37    Derek Sollberger:   (just adding this current link to the chat) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DE-9IM
00:37:07    Olivier Leroy:  Reacted to "(just adding this cu..." with 👍
00:38:49    Olivier Leroy:  I write a bit here https://www.branchtwigleaf.com/post/2021-12-23-toying-with-de9im/
00:53:05    Olivier Leroy:  lapply()
01:07:40    Derek Sollberger:   Reacted to "I write a bit here h..." with 👍
01:15:59    Derek Sollberger:   Have you seen the GitHub instructions at https://github.com/r4ds/bookclub-geocompr ?