16.6 Meeting Videos

16.6.1 Cohort 1

Meeting chat log
Cohort1 reviewed Transportation, Geomarketing, and Conclusion together 

00:08:11    Olivier Leroy:  start
00:17:50    Derek Sollberger (he/his):  The Spatial R book also goes over this Bristol case study, but also normalizes the calculations (by area or by population)
00:18:50    Olivier Leroy:  Reacted to "The Spatial R book a..." with 👍
00:20:50    Olivier Leroy:  I just realize it was origine destination 2 lines
00:20:58    Olivier Leroy:  realized*
00:21:46    Derek Sollberger (he/his):  yeah, these geospatial authors really like short variable names
00:24:27    Olivier Leroy:  It would become very heavy on computation
00:30:49    Derek Sollberger (he/his):  so, does making desire lines reduce path-finding computation?
00:35:18    Olivier Leroy:  Replying to "so, does making desi..."

My guess is yes because you just calculate one way and not lets say the five shortest one
00:44:00    Derek Sollberger (he/his):  I like these case studies (reminds me of city planning courses)
00:44:12    Olivier Leroy:  Reacted to "I like these case st..." with 👍
00:45:22    Olivier Leroy:  Older 😛
00:46:32    Olivier Leroy:  Why do all gov agency are using this old tricks of negative value for na
00:47:15    Derek Sollberger (he/his):  To be fair, many of us R programmers barely really know what NA, NULL, etc. are
00:47:35    Olivier Leroy:  And all the NA_ 😛
00:50:37    Olivier Leroy:  Dusseldorf is large!
00:51:59    Derek Sollberger (he/his):  The German regions are nuts!
00:52:05    Olivier Leroy:  OSM is so good in Germany, so many mappers
00:52:31    Derek Sollberger (he/his):  Reacted to "OSM is so good in Ge..." with 😻
00:55:18    Olivier Leroy:  Raster here save a lot of calculation
00:57:38    Olivier Leroy:  H3 indexes also
00:59:54    Tony Vota:  I have used the gistackexchange site with success
01:00:00    Olivier Leroy:  Reacted to "I have used the gist..." with 👍
01:08:59    Olivier Leroy:  end