12.10 Meeting Videos

12.10.1 Cohort 1

Meeting chat log
00:03:35    Olivier Leroy:  Turn off the mic as we put a kid to bed and he is not happy
00:04:05    Olivier Leroy:  Hurray! For completing the book!
00:04:55    Olivier Leroy:  I will ask if Robin or Jakub want to be here for one session
00:05:05    Olivier Leroy:  start
00:07:52    Olivier Leroy:  Way more 😛
00:09:08    Olivier Leroy:  It is an R package
00:09:29    Olivier Leroy:  https://www.rayshader.com/
00:14:13    Olivier Leroy:  `Type` is because  we do not want it in odd ratio no?
00:18:09    Olivier Leroy:  Mlr3 is way more present in Europe than tidymodel
00:18:18    Olivier Leroy:  Before it was all caret
00:18:52    Olivier Leroy:  (You also have it in tidymodel since last summer I think)
00:23:13    Olivier Leroy:  Slope and ctplan a bit
00:28:14    Olivier Leroy:  Was it because our previous model were overconfident ?
00:29:10    Olivier Leroy:  Good job debugging all of that!
00:31:24    Olivier Leroy:  Very scary: terminator
00:56:50    Olivier Leroy:  Did not know about the `pretty` argument
00:58:45    Olivier Leroy:  Nice seed
01:02:11    Tony Vota:  Sounds good.
01:02:48    Tony Vota:  Thanks Derek.  Nice work as always.  A bit over my head - but I pick up a few things here and there