4.3 SLIDE Vectors Spatial Subsetting

  • subsets of sf dataframes - select and return only features related in space to another object

    • square bracket ([) operator using the syntax x[y, , op = st_intersects]

    • st_intersects - is default

      • ‘catch all’ topological relation that will return features in the target that touchcross or are within the source ‘subsetting’ object
    • op = st_disjoint - is opposite - points that DO NOT intersect with source

  • 4.2.1 Demo of Spatial subsetting - view code and output in main book 04 RMD doc

    • book example - spData for sample data - NZ high points - point features and regions as polygons

    • book uses dplyr filter function (tidyverse) for example

Fig 4.1 NZ Spatial Subset example