15.3 Ranking models

Let’s look at our results

# How many models are there?
n_model <-
  res_grid %>% 
  collect_metrics(summarize = FALSE) %>% 
## [1] 3000
res_grid_filt <-
  res_grid %>% 
  # 'cart_bag' has <rsmp[+]> in the `results` column, so it won't work with `rank_results()`
  filter(wflow_id != 'cart_bag')

# Note that xgboost sucks if you don't have good parameters
res_ranks <-
  res_grid_filt %>% 
  workflowsets::rank_results('rmse') %>% 
  # Why this no filter out rsquared already?
  filter(.metric == 'rmse') %>%
  select(wflow_id, model, .config, rmse = mean, rank) %>% 
  group_by(wflow_id) %>% 
  slice_min(rank, with_ties = FALSE) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
## # A tibble: 11 × 5
##    wflow_id         model            .config               rmse  rank
##    <chr>            <chr>            <chr>                <dbl> <int>
##  1 norm_svm_p       svm_poly         Preprocessor1_Model2 0.513     1
##  2 formula_rf       rand_forest      Preprocessor1_Model2 0.546     3
##  3 formula_cart_bag bag_tree         Preprocessor1_Model1 0.559     5
##  4 formula_cube     cubist_rules     Preprocessor1_Model2 0.567     7
##  5 formula_mars     mars             Preprocessor1_Model2 0.570     9
##  6 formula_gb       boost_tree       Preprocessor1_Model2 0.580    11
##  7 norm_knn         nearest_neighbor Preprocessor1_Model2 0.587    12
##  8 poly_knn         nearest_neighbor Preprocessor1_Model3 0.674    17
##  9 formula_cart     decision_tree    Preprocessor1_Model3 0.689    18
## 10 poly_lr          linear_reg       Preprocessor1_Model2 0.768    23
## 11 norm_svm_r       svm_rbf          Preprocessor1_Model3 1.03     24

Plot the ranks with standard errors.

If we wanted to look at the sub-models for a given wflow_id, we could do that with autoplot().

  id = 'norm_svm_p', 
  metric = 'rmse'

How I feel every time I use autoplot()

As shown in the book chapter, this could be a really good use case for finetune::control_race() and workflowsets::workflow_map('tune_race_anova', ...)