15.6 Meeting Videos

15.6.1 Cohort 1

Meeting chat logs
# 2021-05-11 Review

00:26:16    Jon Harmon (jonthegeek):    https://www.tmwr.org/recipes.html#a-simple-recipe-for-the-ames-housing-data#GNaFeX:~:text=The%20function%20all_nominal_predictors
00:39:19    Jim Gruman: library(InformationValue)  was what we used to use to set the cutoff for glm models
00:40:10    Tony ElHabr:    nice
00:42:01    Asmae Toumi:    Maybe the changes were the friends we made all along
00:42:03    tan_iphone: Lmao hiya!
00:46:14    tan_iphone: Cookbook!
00:50:02    Asmae Toumi:    We could just find cool data sets and kick the shit together
00:50:51    Asmae Toumi:    I can volunteer for the first one
00:50:58    Asmae Toumi:    It would be on workflow sets and stacks
00:51:11    Asmae Toumi:    yessss
00:51:35    Asmae Toumi:    Yessssssssss
00:51:46    Asmae Toumi:    Together??
00:52:05    Asmae Toumi:    Lmao straight up

# 2021-05-18 Q&A

00:09:55    pavitra:    your hair looks cute, Julia
00:10:36    Julia Silge:    Thank you so much!! My bangs are back
00:24:50    Bryan Shalloway:    +1 on that function!
00:27:50    Tony ElHabr:    sandwich!
00:27:55    Tony ElHabr:    putting all the ingredients together
00:47:13    Kevin Kent: Sounds like a lot of mind mapping (to make sense of all of that)
00:47:30    Jon Harmon (jonthegeek):    mind_map()
00:47:48    Kevin Kent: Oh snap, that’s good :)
00:51:15    Julia Silge:    https://github.com/tidymodels/dials/issues
00:54:35    Julia Silge:    https://github.com/tidymodels/dials/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md
00:54:39    Jon Harmon (jonthegeek):    https://www.tidymodels.org/contribute/
00:56:28    Tony ElHabr:    did my first pull request at a dev day
00:58:54    Apoorva Srinivasan: For me personally, julia your blogs have helped me learn about the functions in todymodels works the most
00:59:19    Kevin Kent: +1 to that and the screencasts
01:01:23    Julia Silge:    Thank you so much!
01:02:33    Kevin Kent: One more question - how often do you expect users to write custom step or model functions for their tidymodels code? For instance in sklearn it seems like there is a strong role for custom transformers and esitmators.
01:04:03    Jon Harmon (jonthegeek):    https://www.tidymodels.org/learn/develop/
01:04:18    Max Kuhn:   Gotta go. Thanks!
01:04:22    Kevin Kent: Cool thanks for the explanation
01:05:16    arjun paudel:   Any plan on creating recipe for quantile normalizer similar to quantile_transform in sklearn
01:05:34    Jordan Krogmann:    Thanks Julia and Max!
01:05:40    Kevin Kent: This was great, thanks so much
01:07:06    Apoorva Srinivasan: Thank you so much!!
01:07:17    Conor Tompkins: Thanks for the talk!
01:07:25    Jonathan Leslie:    Thank you!
01:07:39    shahrdad:   Thanks a lot Julia and Max
01:08:18    Asmae Toumi:    Thanks queen, and thanks king (if you see the chat Max)
01:08:28    Asmae Toumi:    Omg, what dataset? Does someone have a link
01:08:36    Asmae Toumi:    I NEED THOSE BEANS
01:08:51    Andrew G. Farina:   Thank you both, this was great!
01:08:58    Julia Silge:    I will send you the beans!
01:09:21    Asmae Toumi:    Hahahahahah thank you
01:09:27    Daniel Lupercio:    Thank you Julia, have a good evening everyone!