20.4 Initialize and add members to stack.

  • Data stacks are tibbles (with some extra attributes) that contain the response value as the first column, and the assessment set predictions for each candidate ensemble member.

tree_frogs_model_st <- # example from stacks vignette
  stacks() %>%
  add_candidates(knn_res) %>%
  add_candidates(lin_reg_res) %>%

#> # A data stack with 3 model definitions and 11 candidate members:
#> #   knn_res: 4 model configurations
#> #   lin_reg_res: 1 model configuration
#> #   svm_res: 6 model configurations
#> # Outcome: latency (numeric)

#> # A tibble: 429 x 12
#>    latency knn_res_1_1 knn_res_1_2 knn_res_1_3 knn_res_1_4 lin_reg_res_1_1
#>      <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>           <dbl>
#>  1     142      -0.496      -0.478      -0.492      -0.494           114. 
#>  2      79      -0.381      -0.446      -0.542      -0.553            78.6
#>  3      50      -0.311      -0.352      -0.431      -0.438            81.5
#>  4      68      -0.312      -0.368      -0.463      -0.473            78.6
#>  5      64      -0.496      -0.478      -0.492      -0.494            36.5
#>  6      52      -0.391      -0.412      -0.473      -0.482           124. 
#>  7      39      -0.523      -0.549      -0.581      -0.587            35.2
#>  8      46      -0.523      -0.549      -0.581      -0.587            37.1
#>  9     137      -0.287      -0.352      -0.447      -0.456            78.8
#> 10      73      -0.523      -0.549      -0.581      -0.587            38.8
#> # … with 419 more rows, and 6 more variables: svm_res_1_1 <dbl>,
#> #   svm_res_1_4 <dbl>, svm_res_1_3 <dbl>, svm_res_1_5 <dbl>, svm_res_1_2 <dbl>,
#> #   svm_res_1_6 <dbl>