6.6 Meeting Videos

6.6.1 Cohort 1

Meeting chat log
00:15:40    Tan Ho: YESSS
00:15:58    Tan Ho: (@ the drake meme)
00:21:51    Tyler Grant Smith:  space advantage
00:23:32    Asmae : what's that
00:24:28    Jim Gruman: http://www.feat.engineering/categorical-trees.html on dummies or no-dummies with trees
00:24:37    Tony ElHabr:    amazing meme
00:24:48    Tony ElHabr:    I am physically applauding
00:25:03    Scott Nestler:  Some additional discussion regarding fit_xy() at tidyverse.org/blog/2019/04/parsnip-internals, related to possible range of mtry variables when you don't know number of predictors before recipe is prepped.
00:25:56    Scott Nestler:  Is there a typo in the book after tables toward end of 7.1 where it talks about common argument names?  It mentions num_n but I think they meant min_n.  What do others think?  Or is num_n actually used?
00:26:30    Conor Tompkins: Scott I think Jon made a PR to fix that typo
00:26:53    Scott Nestler:  Thx.  I hadn't checked yet.  Just caught it in a quick read right before we started.
00:31:15    Scott Nestler:  There are actually 30 different model types and engines at https://www.tidymodels.org/find/parsnip/ that work with parsnip.
00:43:55    Tony ElHabr:    yay volunteers
00:44:48    Andy Farina:    Thanks Jordan, excellent presentation

6.6.2 Cohort 2

Meeting chat log
00:12:53    shamsuddeen:    https://torch.mlverse.org
00:13:21    shamsuddeen:    Book: https://mlverse.github.io/torchbook_materials/
00:16:18    Janita Botha:   I'm in the meeting twice because my sound is not working this morning
00:26:10    August: fit_xy doesn't do the contrast coding automatically, fit does. 
00:28:04    Luke Shaw:  Is fit_xy a 'safer' option?
00:28:33    rahul bahadur:  @August. If you were to have categorical predictors in `lm()` would fit_xy() be able to model it? `lm()` automatically does contrast coding internally
00:30:55    Luke Shaw:  https://xkcd.com/927/
00:33:10    Amélie Gourdon-Kanhukamwe (she/they):   Nice one Luke!
00:34:44    rahul bahadur:  I hope tidymodels doesn't end up becoming just another standard :P
00:34:50    August: I'm not sure about safer, it depends I suppose if you have done a recipe with the coding before hand. 
00:35:39    Kevin Kent: I wonder if future packages that tidy models references will be built with a tidy models integration in mind. Instead of tidy models having to do so much translation
00:36:34    Luke Shaw:  Thanks August. Think I need to get my hands dirty using it to really help me understand!
00:37:34    Luke Shaw:  Yeah I'm only joking with the xkcd but does feel relevant. Kinda hoping tidymodels can be the one standard I get v. familiar with and has a long life
00:40:30    Kevin Kent: I think modeltime is an example of a modeling package done with tidymodels in mind. Kind of designed first for tidy models instead of having to do a bunch of translation to fit into the framework. Hopefully more do development like this
00:41:21    Kevin Kent: But I guess that one is doing a similar job to tidymodels in the sense of pulling in functionality from other packages as engines
00:41:45    August: Absolutely.
00:42:44    August: btw I have mostly used fit() rather than fit_xy() although the latter by be preferable
00:42:54    Kevin Kent: I love these templating packages..excited to use them
00:43:18    Kevin Kent: rstudio add in looks fantastic
00:44:23    rahul bahadur:  Yes, fit_xy(), though requires more code, would not lead to unknown behaviour. I believe.
00:44:41    Kevin Kent: Yeah less “magic” happening
00:46:19    Luke Shaw:  This feels very scary about using "fit": "If the data were preprocessed in any way, incorrect predictions will be generated (sometimes, without errors)."
00:47:56    Luke Shaw:  ^^^ that's  not about the function fit() - my bad
00:48:09    Kevin Kent: Or if you accidentally read in a numeric column as categorical and then run fit it won’t throw an error even though its not meaningful as a categorical variable

6.6.3 Cohort 3

Meeting chat log
00:15:22    Ildiko Czeller: > linear_reg()
Linear Regression Model Specification (regression)

> linear_reg() %>% set_mode("classification")
Linear Regression Model Specification (classification)
00:17:00    Edgar Zamora:   https://www.tidymodels.org/find/parsnip/
00:22:51    Toryn Schafer (she/her):    model.matrix
00:26:52    Ildiko Czeller: Hi Daniel! good to see you
00:27:14    Daniel Chen:    hello hello!
00:29:02    Daniel Chen:    I forgot there was an article/help page of all the supported engines
00:30:04    Daniel Chen:    ooh they moved the things around: this is the page to help you find arguments: https://www.tidymodels.org/find/parsnip/
00:30:40    Daniel Chen:    that page has the model/engine parsnip param name and original param name
00:31:03    Ildiko Czeller: thanks!
00:34:36    Daniel Chen:    you just need to be careful with the column names after `tidy` since they don't always mean the same thing for each model output.

but it makes the column names consistent so you can combine tables
00:45:18    jiwan:  Error in parsnip::rand_forest(verbose = TRUE) : 
  unused argument (verbose = TRUE)
00:45:48    Daniel Chen:    unused arguments usually get ignored. maybe you get a warning?
00:54:29    Daniel Chen:    bye all!

6.6.4 Cohort 4

Meeting chat log
00:56:18    Laura Rose: https://emilhvitfeldt.github.io/ISLR-tidymodels-labs/linear-model-selection-and-regularization.html#forward-and-backward-stepwise-selection
00:58:07    Ryan Metcalf:   https://emilhvitfeldt.github.io/ISLR-tidymodels-labs/index.html
00:58:52    Ryan Metcalf:   https://avehtari.github.io/ROS-Examples/
01:01:31    Federica Gazzelloni:    https://arxiv.org/pdf/1502.06988.pdf