19.3 Meeting Videos

19.3.1 Cohort 1

19.3.2 Cohort 3

Meeting chat log
00:12:14    Daniel Chen:    here isn't an echo on my end. not relaly
00:26:36    Daniel Chen:    so far we've created a simulated set of values with random noise right?
00:26:52    Ildiko Czeller: yes
00:27:13    Ildiko Czeller: for a classification problem
00:27:13    Daniel Chen:    and now we're fitting a Bayesian model on data? am I following that correctly?
00:27:33    Daniel Chen:    so the packages mentioned in the beginning is for Bayesian stuff?
00:27:53    Ildiko Czeller: yes, i think stan does bayesian prediction.
00:28:24    Ildiko Czeller: probably will compute tthe equivocal zones later if you mean that by the package mentioned in the beginning
00:28:32    Daniel Chen:    i mean this chapter as a whole is using Bayesian models to see how much we should "trust" predictions
00:28:52    Daniel Chen:    yeah. ok. so this is all Bayesian specific stuff?
yes stan is for Bayesian stuff
00:29:18    Ildiko Czeller: equivocal zones can be calculated for non bayesian models as well I think
00:29:45    Daniel Chen:    what's the data_grid? i think i just missed it
00:30:58    Ildiko Czeller: i think it is just your simulated dataset with x, y as predictors, isn't it?
00:31:29    Daniel Chen:    oh it looks like the predicted values? classes and probablilties. similar to inputs used for yardstick
00:31:33    Ildiko Czeller: the equivocal zones they are not so sophisticated for bayesian models in my understanding
00:31:44    Daniel Chen:    oh no. yeah it looks like simulated data
00:32:16    Ildiko Czeller: I meant for NON bayesian models they are less sophisticated
01:02:56    Daniel Chen:    can you go back to what the pca_stat value is when being compared to the Chicago data?
01:11:23    Daniel Chen:    what's the pca stat values?
01:11:36    Daniel Chen:    why is it 1 column of values when you have multiple PCs?
01:13:00    Daniel Chen:    this is in the score function call.
01:13:43    Daniel Chen:    oh it's distance from center
01:15:00    Daniel Chen:    oooh it's all 9
01:15:14    Daniel Chen:    ok that part makes sense that's regular PCA results
01:15:45    Daniel Chen:    yeah that's good.
01:16:39    Daniel Chen:    i might be moving next 2 weeks.
01:16:45    Daniel Chen:    so i might not be availviale
01:17:11    Federica Gazzelloni:    thanks

19.3.3 Cohort 4

Meeting chat log
00:26:35    Federica Gazzelloni:    The reportable rate is calculated as (n_not_equivocal / n).